A limited number of tickets for South African Historic Grand Prix events are now on sale at www.sahistoricgp.com. This is for both the 25 November East London Grand Prix Exhibition Race and the Grand Prix Garden Party at the Val de Vie Estate just outside Franschhoek on 1 and 2 December.
The Exhibition Race for 1930s Grand Prix machines will consist of two display races and a track demonstration at the famed East London circuit, and will be backed up by various other historic racing formulae. Pre-war cars will then take a leisurely road tour towards Cape Town and relive the roads they once travelled from East London to the Grosvenor Grand Prix. It’s the chance of a lifetime to enjoy these historic cars, as well as the splendours of South Africa’s famous landscapes, hospitality, cuisine and weather, before ending it all off in the breathtaking Western Cape for The Grand Prix Garden Party.